Friday, 30 December 2011

Understanding Elemental Damage and Resist.

Dear all,
As i constantly reading latest development of DN in korea and china, i thought this article may be useful to you. Here is it as translate:

Elemental belong to sorceress and clergy class. Let me explain to all, how elemental damage and resist does and what advantage does it offer.

1.Elemental Damage explain:
When a class have 8% elemental damage, example 8% dark then his dark element damage is 8%
Example: A level 50 Force User have 1000 magic attack, 1 gravity ball can hit 900% magic attack + 1000. 
Mean to say, against a defense 0 mob. it can hit out 10000 damage(1000*900%+1000=10000).
If he had a potential elemental dark attack 8%, then he can hit 10000*(1+8%)=10800 damage 
If he changed his potential elemental dark attack 8% to magic attack 5.8%, then he can only hit 10522 damage. (1000*105.8%*900%+1000=10522) 

Truth according to the above calculation, 8% elemental attack is way better than 5.8% magic attack.

2Elemental Resist:
If someone have 5% dark resist. what kind of result are we expecting?
Let's say a force user can deal 1000 dark attack , his opponent wearing 5% dark resist will inflict 10000(1-5%)=9500HP.
If the force user have potential 8% dark attack add in, his opponent wearing 5% dark resist will inflict 10000*(1+8%)*(1-5%)=10260HP.
If the force user have potential 5.8% % magic attack add in, his opponent wearing 5% dark resist will inflict 10522*(1-5%)=9995.9HP.

1.Those class that have elemental skills should elemental equipments and potential. (Cheaper price, result significant, see above)
2.Clergy elemental usage is almost 100%(even regular attack is count as elemental attack)
Elemental lord element usage is almost 98%(regular attack is not factor)
Force user element usage is: hydrid 85%, pure is 90%.(Light and dark)
3.Recommand crusader, inquistor, elemental lord, dark user, must have to have elemental attack.
4.Recommand inquistor, saint, hydrid force user to have magic attack instead.
5.Recommand guardian, not to considerate elemental usage.

4.Additional elemental informations.
1.Dark/Fire resist:  Can reduce eg. poison damage per tick. The higher your resist the lower it damage is.
2.Light resist: Significant result, 50% light resist can reduce light damage to single digit.
3.Ice resist. Reduce chances to be freeze and frozen time(24% ice resist can make reduce 2secs from 5secs frozen, 28% ice resist can reduce the frozen by nearly 50%.(result significant)

1.Can ice attack add frozen and slow time. Ans = No.
2.Can increasing light attack % add the number of electrocute more?
Ans:No. Elemental attack only increase the damage but it does not increase the static duration.

Hydra ^.^v
PS:Sorry if my translation sound weird or wrong.

1 comment:

  1. dude, I just found this post and I want to know about a no-elemental user (like a warrior). how it works? do I need some % of the element to active it? cuz I heard that I need like 50% of light attack to active it in a no-elemental user

